Gettier Problems

and Gettier solutions

and some other things

co-authored by


oh no not this again
ok so for the purposes of this conversation--

you brought it up

"things that are known" does not include "things you believe to be true, and are true, but which you oh god not this again
" for the sake of wanting it
what is it
justified true belief


ok so something known is a justified true belief for the purposes of this conversation


what do you want to know
from me

you've literally mentioned several secrets
i believe what you mean is
"what do you want to know from me that i'm at liberty to tell you and that wouldn't be a waste of our mortal lifespans"

provded i were at liberty to tell you anything i knew

are you not


what does "at liberty" mean to you

i've been asking myself that for quite some time

i couldn't write dialogue like this if i tried

time for the sudden return to the point
HIM, HER, and THEM are dating


so that's why i've been in such a good mood lately

you've lived your life in such a way that brings people together
you know who else lived their life in such a way that brought people together?



reductio ad hitlerum or whatever the joke is

i should not be laughing


now i am not laughing

back to the matter at hand because, as they say, the wolf's out of the bag now
i've made out with two of them! and, depending on your linguistic leniency, slept with two of them!
it's the same two
unless you're extremely lenient, and then i've slept with all three of them
but that's not really surprising

you've slept with either HIM or THEM?



i won't make you guess it's THEM

i really thought you were going to make me guess
i would have guessed THEM

are you still laughing because i sure am
are you justified in believing me about all this
the last cat, which i reserved in the bag for emergencies, is out
wait i said wolf earlier
the cat and wolf are both out of the bag

how did they both coexist within the bag

the fox was a mediator

and you must ferry them across the river

oh no

but the boat seats two and you cannot leave any two alone

it's impossible to have a conversation with you without bringing up a conundrum

...but the fox can drive the boat

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